2015 – Here we come!

Hello Blog World!

This is the beginning of my journey in the blogging world.  I am starting this journey from a pretty good place.  I have a great job in my home town, though I do travel for work quite frequently.  I am engaged to an amazing man and we are planning our wedding for this August.  We bought ourselves an awesome house this year and are working on making it our home.  Other than our mortgage, we have no debt.  Sounds pretty good, right?

But here’s the thing, I’ve sort of just done all that by being extremely fortunate and lucky.  Don’t get me wrong, I do work hard when I need to, but, if my life is this good without putting too much effort in, imagine how good it could be if I tried harder at being better.  What if I were to stop procrastinating and stop just floating through life?  What if I were to set myself some goals and push myself to be better?

And that, my friends, is where this blog comes  in.  I have been inspired by the many blogs I’ve been reading over the past few months (like Financial Diffraction and Shoeaholic No More), so I am going to use this blog to keep track of my goals and to hold myself accountable to actually put the effort in to accomplish the goals.  The end result hopefully being that I do become a better version of myself and perhaps I will inspire someone else to become a better version of themselves as well.  And maybe, if I’m lucky, I’ll make some friends in the blogging community along the way.  I hope that you will join me on this journey, I know it will be a struggle for me, so I would really appreciate the support.

Stay tuned in the next week as I put my goals for 2015 down on “paper” and work out a plan of attack.

4 thoughts on “2015 – Here we come!

  1. Thanks for the background on how you’ve gotten where you’ve gotten on “auto-pilot”. That’s pretty impressive that everything is falling into place, but it’s all about being conscious. That’s one of my big complaints with how I’m currently living my life. I am trying to work on it, but I think that it will be difficult to really change my mindset without changing my job, so I’ll keep doing what I can until then. 🙂

    Can’t wait to follow your journey, and thanks for the shout-out 🙂


    • Thanks Alicia. I have really enjoyed following your blog so far. It has been a great inspiration to me. Hopefully my journey and blog will inspire someone else in a similar way. Thanks for stopping by!


  2. Hello. I found your blog through Alicia’s. I’m digging the minimalistic style of your theme. Setting goals is important. It gives us something tangible to work towards, and allows us to control the direction of change in our favour. Welcome to the personal finance blogging community. Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll make plenty of friends here.


    • Hey Liquid, thanks for visiting. As a fellow west coaster, I may have to spend some time reading thru your blog to learn some from you. Thanks for introducing yourself and the warm welcome. I look forward to learning from your blog!


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