My Morning Harvest

It’s not as impressive as what Christine (at The Barefoot Budget) gets by any means, but I’m proud of my little haul this morning. I decided to thin out the carrots a bit, though I had kind of given up on them… And the ones I was pulling out actually had carrots attached!! Really really small carrots, but now that I’ve thinned them out, the others should grow. Yay!

my morning harvest 

Anyone else been gardening lately?

7 thoughts on “My Morning Harvest

  1. Go you! How long is your growing season in your part of Canada? I’m excited that I’ll be able to have a garden in our new place, but I have no idea how to grow anything. I’ll be hitting you up for some tips 🙂


    • I am definitely still learning… so I’m not sure I’ll be able to provide any tips… but I can try. 🙂
      As for the growing season here… I don’t really know… I think I can start planting things in April, but I was a little late… And I think I could still plant some fall crops in September… but that is something I don’t really know much about yet… Like I said, I’m still learning. One thing that I want to learn is how to get the most out of my garden by planting things continuously throughout the growing season, but I haven’t got that figured out quite yet…


      • Gardening = magic. I know it’s pretty much all science, but it’s overwhelming to me to try to learn it all! Thanks for introducing me to The Barefoot Budget blog. It looks like she’s really close to my area, so hopefully I can get some ideas from her 🙂

        Good luck with your late summer/fall planting!


  2. Lookin’ good! That’s how my carrots looked in the beginning .. the little ones are so sweet! It’s so funny that way up north carrots and lettuce are in season, here that stuff has been gone for almost 3 months 🙂

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  3. I’m hoping to be able to get some winter carrots this year, the ones I planted in early spring didn’t make it. Right now we are inundated with squash, zucchini, and cucumbers, and we will hopefully have some more tomatoes soon.


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